My Quest To Teach

July 10, 2019

My Quest To Teach is Moving = Growth and Innovation

My Quest To Teach is Moving = Growth and Innovation
My Quest To Teach Is Growing

My Quest To Teach

My Quest To Teach

This site at will no longer be used.
The new site has its’ own domain.

The new site can also be accessed by
Alexa and Google

“Alexa play my quest to teach”

“Google run my quest to teach”

Provided by
Create My Voice

Thanks for supporting the blog
for the past several  years and
let’s continue to grow together.

To contact if there are questions
you can email.

HashTag My Quest To Teach

HashTag My Quest To Teach

As the site grows there will be
advertising opportunities,
sponsorship opportunities and guest writers
by youth, teens and young adults.

October 8, 2018

FlBlogCon Time Management A Gateway to Content Development

Diana Griffith

Diana Griffith


FlBlogCon Time Management A Gateway to Content Development
William Jackson, My Quest To Teach

The 8th Annual FlBlogCon 2018 is no different than the previous
years, each year is awesome, informative, enlightening, fun,
engaging and a inspiring learning experience. Bess Auer knows how
to create an environment of PLC, PLN and PLF engagement.
Professional Learning (Community, Networking and Family).
A seasoned educator, she combines content creators of diverse
backgrounds that are relevant, current and can share
information that is instantly applicable to personal and business.

One of the valuable sessions at the Florida Blogging Conference
was based on Time Management – Diana Griffith (Content for Beginners,
Templates, Ideas and More). The understanding of how valuable
your time is and the importance of managing it.
The words, “time is money,” can be translated to time is
the difference between success and failure. Managing your
time can reduce stress, anxiety and apprehension when your
feeling overwhelmed. Managing your time can mean meeting
professional and personal deadlines or creating an environment
of making excuses for not completing important tasks.

One of the struggles sometimes for Bloggers, Vbloggers and
Podcasters is finding time to manage your ideas to put into
content development. Taking the time to think, create, write
and develop content that shares your passion and purpose.
There are tools, Apps and assistants like Trello, Asana, Toggl,
Google Calendar and Insightly to help you manage your time
and develop content.

There are strategies that help to keep you engaged, but time
and managing time is key. Day to day events and activities
seem to distract you, engage you, move you, motivate you
and even seem to drain you. Managing is important and
valuable to help you stay focused and productive.

Some strategies are to plan ahead and build on to create a
time buffer; think past the seasons, holidays and events to
build future content. That way you are ahead of the game
and reaching out 3 to 4 months in advance with content.

This works well for writing to an editorial calendar and
staggering projects. Magazines, newspapers and other
media plan months in advance to keep up and keep ahead
of the interests of their readers and viewers. Time is important
because of the opportunity to get on everyone’s’ calendar
or radar when planning out to the future. People have schedules
that demand their time, as a content creator get on their

Editorial Tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, CoSchedule (WordPress),
Tailwind (Pintrest), Later (Instagram) and Google Calendar
help you to post your content at different times and to different
platforms. This builds a visual element, so people know what
you are doing, the value of your Brand and the empowerment
of your content.

Planning can help your SEO, because you have time to look
at all your content elements and take account on revisions,
corrections and direction of thoughts.
As a content developer you should understand that people
will view your content at different times during the day and week.
Connecting to readers and viewers means spreading out your
content to post at different times. You may need a tasking tool
to help you write to a schedule which helps you manage access
to content. If you incorporate photos, photo editing tools to
help you edit that photo that may be too dark, to light, etc.
The visual element is important.

Your content is evaluated by SEO – Search Engine
Optimization with the photos and video you post.
The many tools available are mostly free, they provide a
flexibility for the content creator to always move forward.
Technology builds connections to establish relationships and
empowers people to guide future and potential collaborations.
Applying skills, sharing knowledge and working to build
content that can potentially change the world.

Research which tools benefit what you want to accomplish
and build your Brand. Do diligence is important to help you
grow beyond your expectations and strengthen your Brand.

“Each blog has its own attention span.”#FlBlogCon
Be mindful in your planning that each reader and viewer has
a time limit to be engaged and be respectful that you content
should matter to your readers.


Photos via William Jackson, My Quest To Teach

July 26, 2017

WordCamp and Building Your Synaptic and Linguistic Agility 

WordCamp and Building Your Synaptic and Linguistic Agility
by William Jackson
Speaker: WordCamp Jacksonville 2017, WordCamp DC 2017
Parent, Educator, Blogger, Social Media Visionary, Content Creator

Attending any WordCamp should not just be an esoteric experience.
Being a part of WordCamp should be an experience that allows
for the spirit of innovation, the imagination of creativity and the
thirst for unquenchable knowledge to grab hold of a person’s
mind. Applying new knowledge to current/past knowledge, being
able to find new ways to create, share and transport knowledge
that can be applied to the diversity of life.
The body is a vessel that carries the brain, the heart and other
physical organs, but it also transports the spirit of passions and
the dreams of ingenuity and imagination. Technology does not
dwell in a sterile one dimensional environment, technology
embraces the diversity of the firing of the synapsis in the brain.
The thoughts that are as powerful as bursts of lighting and
applied linguistic agility.
Thoughts are electrical impulses that give rise to reality and
an entrance to the depths of the mind.
When a person thinks each thought is the result of a stimuli
that can result from a simple smell, a taste, a sound or even
a physical feeling. The site of a face can create a myriad of
emotions that can be pleasing, frightening, or overwhelming.
Technology is part of the mental and emotional selves that we
as humans create and share in our world. When attending a
WordCamp a person cannot just stay within themselves they
must venture out and connect, collaborate and create the
foundation of building real and lasting relationships.
WordCamp is an environment resulting from a seemingly
simple application of WordPress, an online environment that
allows for mental agility, emotional creativity and innovation
in an environment that allows the synapsis of our brain to
think, dream, speculate, consider, communicate, collaborate,
calculate and connect.
The ability for humans using technology to emerge from the
binary melting pot of coding to create the ability to communicate
on diverse levels. Seeking parity is not the priority, but the
transcending of current realities that have limited physical
actions. The mind knows no limitations only those created
by limited imaginations and self-perceived confines in a world
of rules and realities begging to be broken.
What is WordCamp; not just a simple or mundane explanation,
it is being adapted because the men, women, boys, girls and
diversity of nations, cultures, and ideologies are opening digital
doorways to a matrix of dynamic and infinite possibilities of
thinking, feeling, creating, innovation and being. Open Source
is an opening for the mind to fly though at light speed without
limitations to achieve wonders on digital platforms.
WordCamp and Building Your Linguistic Agility is requiring
modifying languages to adapt to new forms of communication
outside the spectrum of physical verbiage, it is demanding the
ability to create new languages that binary coding and human
thoughts are equal partners in communication.
When attending a WordCamp take the time to listen to the
conversations, attempt to enter into the minds of programmers,
developers, graphic artists, users, developers and others as
they share experiences that only those that apply WordPress
can only understand. Open the source of creativity that lives
and grows in minds that enjoy creativity, imagination and the
challenge of coding that machines only listen to.
Challenging people to share their stories is the easy part,
having people accepting the challenge to apply their mental
synapsis is the challenge and my quest.



May 22, 2017

EWC and HBCU Students Should Be Attending WordCamps

















EWC and HBCU Students
Should Be Attending WordCamps

by William Jackson @wmjackson
Emma Kent @librarianewc

The WordCamp Jacksonville was a prime opportunity
for EWC and HBCU students to meet and interact with
industry professionals in the fields of web development,
graphic design, Java development, Cybersecurity and
other areas of Branding, Marketing, Advertising and
business ventures in the area of tech.
The opportunity to share their voices through tech
has never been available before in history for EWC and
HBCU students.

Emma Kent, MA, MLIS librarian of Edward Waters
College attending her first WordCamp shared the
historical importance of EWC and HBCU students to
continue to grow and be engaged is as many tech
conferences like WordCamp Jacksonville. Ms. Kent
talking to the industry leaders, developers, bloggers,
programmers, etc.

Social Media has moved beyond the traditional
blogging into a broader spectrum of interactive
engagement, connectivity, Branding, Marketing,
find a person’s Niche and even collaborations in business.
The levels of engagement, interactivity and networking
is valuable for EWC students that have dreams of
moving into new areas of careers in technology, but do
not know who to connect with.

This is a big challenge, HBCU students do not think
conferences, meetups, workshop and networking events
are important, but are dangerously wrong.
Meetups, conferences, summits, workshops and
other events are important to understand who to
connect with, where to go to connect and the
value of getting your name in the minds of
professionals that can offer Internships, scholarships,
jobs and open doors that were once closed.
Emma Kent and William Jackson, Presenters




The presentation
“How to be DOPE on Social Media and Relevant,”
was celebrated as bringing a diversity of
content and cultural connections. Praised
as new and exciting the presentation was
engaging and interactive.
WordPress Jacksonville is growing and providing
more opportunities through the meetups
happening each month.

EWC and HBCU students are encouraged to find
groups that support WordCamp, WordPress, EdCamp,
BarCamp and other opportunities for networking and
If HBCU students want to be involved in areas of tech
or even as entrepreneurs they still have to have access
to knowledge, resources, venture capitalists that make
the much needed  investments and have the degrees
and certificates necessary to sit at the table where
the decisions are made.

The concept of “How to be Dope on Social Media and
Relevant” is the vision of William Jackson professor
with Edward Waters College, he teaches Educational
Technology, Social Media and STEM. Professor
Jackson provides a much needed experience and
knowledge to help EWC and HBCU students to grow
and be part of industries that claim there are no knowl-
edgeable nor capable students of color and culture.
Professor Jackson has 27 years as a public educator
and teaching at EWC since 2004, he attends national and
international conferences to speak on tech issues in many
cases that are directly related to people of color and
culture and supports hiring EWC and HBCU students.

Pro. Jackson is a national and international blogger
whose content is published in Canada, South Africa,
Nigeria and throughout the United States.
There are national WordCamp opportunities and EdCamp
for EWC and HBCU students in education programs
working to be educators in schools across the country.
Students take advantage of this chances to grow beyond
Conference photos:



Emma Kent, MA, MLIS
Librarian – Division of Academic Affairs
Twitter – @librariantiger

William Jackson, M.Edu
Social Media Visionary – My Quest To Teach
Twitter – @wmjackson
EdCamp Central
WordCamp Central












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