My Quest To Teach

September 28, 2016

Dads Take Your Child to School Day

Dads Take Your Child to School Day
by William Jackson, M.Edu.
Instructor with Edward Waters College
@wmjackson #MyQuestToTeach
Daddy Blogger – Community Activist – Educator

The Florida Department of Education initiative:
Dads Take Your Child to School Day! The Department
of Family and Community Engagement is partnering on
this initiative. This event is similar to the Million Father
March that was held on the first day of school nationally.

As part of  this initiative, fathers are asked to show their child
that they value and support their education by bringing them
to school on Wednesday, September 28th and that they
commit to being involved in their learning throughout the year.

This is a great opportunity to increase parental engagement,
especially among fathers, for the entire 2016-17 school year.
Last year, fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, stepfathers,
uncles, cousins, big brothers, male caregivers, mentors and
family friends all showed their support for students across
the state through their participation. The excitement for
many students is continuing to blossom and the work
continues for academic growth and success. Fathers are
very important in the process of education, helping in laying
a foundation for the importance of maturing academically
and socially. Being a father requires continuous giving,
generosity, kindness, compassion, empathy, love and
dedication to another life besides their own.

Education is a life-long process that is influenced by
parental priorities and influence.


“Fathers can and do change the world one child
at a time.” William Jackson, M.Edu.

These are suggestions from a father, educator, and
community activist to encourage fathers to
participate and be engaged in the educational
process of their children from early childhood to
higher education.

1. Fathers respect your child’s teacher(s)

One way to support education is to model respect for
teachers and administrators. Fathers speak more by
their actions than words, so visit schools and praise
teachers and administrators.
2. Fathers spend time in the school
Even though it might be tough to visit schools at
least once a month it makes a world of difference
in a child’s behavior and academic success. Spending
time means sacrificing a lunch time, overtime or
buddy time. The rewards are great, just look in
your child’s eyes and see.
3. Fathers listen to teachers not talk at them
Sometimes it is more valuable to listen than to speak.
Fathers must trust teachers to tell them the truth about
their children even if the truth hurts or challenges
making changes to discipline, doing homework,
requiring tutors or not participating in sports or after
school activities. The priority of school is education.
4. Fathers discipline with Love
Many of us have humorous stories of being disciplined
when we were of youthful vigor and energy. We
understood later we were wrong in some of our actions
and choices and that discipline was done with love.
So fathers must continue to have love in their hearts
and minds and discipline fairly and with love.
5. Fathers are Role Models
Fathers are the first role models, even when we don’t
think our kids are watching, they are and other kids do
too. So our actions speak louder than words. We can’t
say “do as I say and not do as I do” because we
send the wrong messages and set our actions and
words up to be hypocritical and without meaning.
6. Fathers are Teachers
When a father teaches it is by his actions not always
by his words. The first teacher should be the child’s
parents. They establish the foundation for future success.
Even if not a great student in school fathers can teach
their children from their mistakes to help their children
to be better academically and socially.


7. Fathers  should share meals
A great time to share is when eating together. This is a
relaxing time to joke, share, encourage, engage in fun
conversation. Sharing meals should not be serious times,
but memorable ones starting with prayer.
Communication should be two ways that encourage the
kids to ask questions too.
8. Fathers Read to their Children
When my children where toddlers until middle school
their mother and I read to them at various times  during
the day and when it was bed time. This created an
atmosphere where reading was fun. When
they were able to we allowed them to read to us. Even
though we divorced I still read to my children to keep
the consistency and fun of it. Fathers that are not strong
readers should read to their level and build as their
children build. Learning together should not be an
embarrassment it should be a cooperative effort to
show comprehension and literacy are vital.
9. Fathers Show Affection
Fathers cannot afford to be “hard” and unemotional,
this creates unstable emotional behaviors in children
that cause confusion and conflicting emotions for
stability and expression. Fathers have to model love,
proper affection, sensitivity, common sense,
compassion, tenderness. These are what children
need to learn to function in society.
10. Fathers Job is Never Done
At the time of this writing 2016 both my children
are in college, working, driving and in some
capacity they are still dependent on me. Fathering
is a lifelong responsibility even when children are
maturing into adults themselves. Fathers are the
cushions, the barriers that God has placed to make
the world less scary, less threatening and less
depressing when the challenges of life attack
our children.

Children need to know that daddy will be there
not just for money, but for encouragement, advice,
praise, love, prayers and sometimes just a silent
shoulder to listen and arms for reassuring hugs.
Fathers you must decide what kind of father you
want to be, it is a choice and personal decision.
Don’t try to be like any other father but who you
are. Don’t be fake, foolish or fraud, your children
will see right through you.
It is ok to be scared, nervous and apprehensive,
no one has all the answers, you have more life
experiences than your children so use that to
build on as a foundation of support and love.


“The Talk” with your kids:  how to make sure your  child comes home.


September 5, 2016

Building Black Superheroes with STEM

Building Black Superheroes with STEM
by William Jackson, M.Ed.
Edward Waters College @wmjackson

Reader Theater Actors and Family of Stetson Kennedy
Performance at American Beach, Fernandina, Fl.

Black Superheroes have been around for centuries,
from the stories presented from the archives of
Stetson Kennedy, author, poet, and community
activist to the works of Tangela Floyd who through
the theatrical portrayals in the “Reader Theater”
performances “The Black Superheroes” and now
the creation of movies and comic books,
“Black Superheroes” are coming to life.

Through the passion for resuscitating the stories
of the “Slave Narratives” of Stetson Kennedy and
Zora Neal Hurston, “Black Superheroes” that
inspired liberation from the false limitations
attempting to be placed on Blacks to keep them
in mental as well as physical bondage.


“Black Superheroes” help to free the spirits and
imaginations of Blacks during a time when Blacks
were denied basic constitutional and human rights.
The “Black Superheroes” are legendary in religious
beliefs, physical strength, and mental abilities.

They have engineering talents, legendary speed,
outstanding courage, battlefield leadership and even
compassion, love and family orientation.
They are young, middle aged, elders and spiritual
beings that show the best, brightest and sometimes
challenges of having color and culture. They are
sometimes misunderstood, misrepresented and
often thought dangerous because of their
representation of not just equality, but superiority of
people of color and culture over those of lighter skill
and lesser historical significance.

Sandra Kennedy with William Jackson at the
Ritz Theater performance of Black Superheroes

“The Black Superheroes” are a representation of
the best in Blacks working to overcome slavery and
of all types of oppression. Even in songs that are the
foundation of gospel spirituals like, “follow the Drinking
Gourd” is a symbol of freedom.

The stories of the “Black Superheroes” can be found
in Stetson Kennedy Legacy Part 1: Slave Narratives
and Folklore, and Stetson Kennedy Legacy Part II:
Introducing “The Black Superheroes,” these are iconic
works of literature that will be recognized for decades
to come because they will not be forgotten again.


Youth, teens and young adults should be given a
chance through the creative and innovative tools of
STEM and STEAM to embrace their “Superpowers”
as children of color and culture.

What better way to show children of color and culture
how innovative and talented they are, allow them to
design their own “Black Superheroes” roles for
Here you can see how inner city children developed
themselves as “Superheroes” using their minds, creative
and innovative spirits to build and design themselves
as the “Superheroes” they see themselves as.

Stetson Kennedy

Resources for Black Superheroes

Black Superheroes of America’s Little Leaders 2016
Summer Camp Video

Resources for Black Superheroes by William Jackson

Introducing the Black Superheroes

America Need Black Superheroes

Do You Believe in Black Superheroes

Catch A Fire for Reading – Catch A Black Superhero

More information:
Tangela Floyd , Director
Young Minds Building Success

Photos from the presentation at “American Beach”


August 29, 2016

Donald Trump to Black People – You’re Poor and Uneducated

Donald Trump to Black People – You’re Poor and Uneducated
by William Jackson, M.Ed.
Father, Blogger, Educator,
Community Activist

reading 2

Shoutout to my friends at:
BG Bookclub @bg_bookclub
Black Girls Book Club
United Kingdom
Support literacy globally

Prove Donald Trump wrong
Over 200 Books for and about
People of Color and Culture
Video created by William Jackson

The words of Donald Trump cut deep, psychological
blood was shed with comments that defied reason
and respect to people of color and culture.
If Donald Trump wanted to get votes from people of
color and culture he sure did it the wrong way. In his
mind how would he think that he would be received
when he made comments about the schools children
of color and culture attend, how did he think people
of color and culture would receive his comments
about being poor and who advised him that this
platform would gain him respect and get
more votes? If that is want he wanted?

This shows that Donald Trump is so disconnected
and out of touch he has no clue or he is a brilliant
creator of propaganda. The mentality of his is
potentially that people of color and culture have
no cognitive development. They are still someone’s
property like slavery.
The audacity of him to think to ask about the
options that people of color and culture have
pertaining to their political, economic and
educational stability and strength.

But wait……………………

Are these not the same issues people of color and
culture continue to fight with, are these the same
issues we protest about, are these the same issues
that we brought attention to Presidents for decades?
What is the difference today in this electoral process?
The truth in some capacity is that people of color and
culture are still struggling with the
educational process of this country, people of color
and culture are still fighting for political significance
and people of color and culture are still demanding
economic parity even if they do not have the same
foundation of economic stability and generational
economic application for the next generation.

Maybe the words of Donald Trump hurt because
in too many cases people of color and culture are
suffering from the exact issues that Trump is
throwing because those we elected in the past
have not made what people perceive are significant
changes. He hit a psychological and emotional
nerve, but was he right?


Education is the KEY!!!

If people of color and culture want better schools
attend PTA meetings, if people of color and
culture want better schools they need to check to
make sure their children are prepared for school
with the right materials and attitude. If people of
color and culture want their children to gain success
then parents need to visit the schools, volunteer,
go on field trips, check classroom workbooks to
make sure homework and other work is done.
Talk with teachers, not at them and accept their
professionalism to help children of color and
culture be successful.

Sometimes when someone throws salt on a wound,
the hurt signifies there are situations of reality
and brokenness that are being either ignored or
denied in the mind. How many others feel this way
that are white, Asian and even African American?”
How many others have the impression that people
of color and culture are suffering, but enjoy their
suffering to the point where they are
comfortable in it?

Change only comes when a person is sick and
tire of being sick and tired. Change comes only
when a mother or father is tired of struggling and
goes back to school, change only comes when
parents are proactive with their children’s
learning and take them to the library during the week
or the weekends to read and study. Change comes
in when parents decide it is time to expose their
children to diversity and go to the museums around
their cities and get involved in their communities.

Donald Trump stirred up a hornet’s nest by criticism,
but he had to get his information from someplace
that possesses some truth. Why are people of color
and culture not attending school board meetings,
why are they not attending parent teacher meetings,
why are they not taking their children to the libraries
to encourage reading, writing and arithmetic and
receiving free tutoring for struggling children?
Why is the only option for children of color that
are struggling in school Special Education
programs and medicine?

School Open House invitations are coming out,
many parents will tell their children they are not going
because they do not want to. How many parents will
tell their children if they act up in school they will beat
the crap out of them instead of being part of the
educational support system and being proactive? How
many parents will look at teachers as a threat instead
of a support system to help their children achieve
more than they currently have?

Poverty in many communities have the faces of people
of color and culture, but the effort to get out of poverty
seems to be lacking in too many cases. Refugees come
to this country of opportunity to make a difference.
Refugees take advantage of the libraries, the resources,
the networking, and the engagement of community
events and even cultural events that bring people
together to lift each other up with networking and sharing.

The process is not complex, it requires planning,
it requires determination, it requires discipline and
it requires a willingness to sacrifice time, energy
and even putting people out of your life that are
holding you back.
Change your mentality and your vision.

Maybe Donald Trump did people of color and culture
a favor by making those comments. Maybe it is time
for people of color and culture to change their
mentalities and their goals in life. To create their
own businesses, to improve their community schools,
to create generational wealth.

The word “Challenge” use to mean something, it
had fire, it was a call to make a change. How many
people of color and culture will accept this “Challenge”
of Donald Trump too improve themselves?

Parents, encourage your children to read, read, read,
read, study, study, study, comprehend, comprehend
and improve themselves. What kind of legacy will
you leave with your children?

2015-04-04 14.21.13

Here is an extensive list of books about people of
color and culture and by people of color and culture.
Share with your children, I challenge parents and
their children to read as many as possible and prove
Donald Trump wrong!!!!
What have you got to loose????

Over 200 Books for and about
People of Color and Culture
Video created by William Jackson

August 27, 2016

Parents, What Kind of Student are you Raising

Parents, What Kind of Student are you Raising
A New School Year – A New Focus for Success
William Jackson, M. Ed. Edward Waters College

global image
The new school year has arrived, parents are concerned
about the outward appearance of their children; rightly
so, children represent their respective families and
generational lineage (family history). No parent wants
their children to look scruffy especially the first several
weeks of school. The concerns of parents in their
dressing of their child or children is a representation
of the physical appearance that creates the initial
impressions that are temporary and quickly fleeting
during the school year.

Prevent Having A Tunsil Moment

The question:
Parents, What Kind of Student are you Raising??
thought provoking and  a serious discussion that
inquires parents preparing their children academically
for success in school. Parents have you encouraged
academic excellence using positive words and
positive expectations?
Parents have you purchased educational materials;
educational DVD’s, obtained library cards and
museum memberships? Learning occurs outside of
the school too and must be cultivated by parents
before school starts and during the academic year.

Parents are you talking too, not yelling at children about
your expectations for proper behavior and scholarly
participation (being a good student)? Parents need to
show that books are the gateways to new worlds and
new discoveries not just sports or entertainment.
Chinua Achebe, Nigerian author states,
“Children should be fascinated by books and encouraged
to read every day.” Ironically children of color and culture
are behind others and should not be, free educational
resources are available in communities.


During over 20 years as an educator I have heard
parents verbally threaten, demean, dress down,
embarrass and curse out their children as the new
school year approached. Parent’s excuses or reasons;
children need to know that they (parents) mean business.
Comments such as these shape and mold a child’s
mind. It potentially creates a personality that the
perception is they deserve to be beat, they deserve to
be yelled at and cursed at. These actions may reinforce
in a child’s mind that violence should be accepted and
maybe even welcomed in order to be a good student.
Children should be taught with love and patience that,
“there is value in books and libraries,” and love is
stronger than violence.
(African Voices 2009 – C.Achebe) so they can look
forward happily to reading and learning.


As a parent and educator, I urge parents to think about
and seriously consider two statements by two well-known
men. Both were parents and known for their wisdom in
their respective lives. Albert Einstein (1879-19550) stated,
”Way of thinking should be taught to all children, to be
tenacious in the way they think, to solve problems even
though they may take years.”
Einstein 2007, this is related to the patience of learning,
to the expectations of hard work and dedication to research.
It is important for parents to teach this to their children
through love, role modeling and patience.

Malcolm X (1925-1965) stated, “Education is the passport
to the future. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for
it today.” Malcolm X promoted learning, he is known to
have read ferociously and regularly sharing his
knowledge and love of learning with his children, and
when applying it to why knowledge is important.
Malcolm X rationality can be applied to all cultures and colors.

Parents must train up their children the way they should
properly go, valuing education and doing good works in
their community.
Parents should ask themselves who would they want their
child to follow; who would they want their children to be
like, who should be their role models beyond athletes
and entertainers.
Parents need to be the first model for educational value,
parents think about the kind of child or children you are
raising and what are your expectations for them?
Do you want your children to be better than you in life:
do you want them to be better financially, educationally,
and socially? Education is the key.

Join PTA and School Advisory Council, attend school
board meetings and other events during the year so
you will understand why schools are run the way they
are. If your child is not struggling be a voice for those
that are, be a child advocate because all children will
eventually grow into adults and still affect the
climate of their and potentially  your community.

How your community, your city, and your state is
managed and run is based on the education of all
citizens. Your participation may mean the difference
between and educated and employed society that
equally contributes to the tax base or an under
educated, or uneducated  society that struggles to
provide resources and services that build and make
a city and community stronger.

Encourage reading, comprehension, literacy and life
long learning.

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